“Happy Hours” and “ReCoup”

We are happy to announce the launch of our new product – ‘Happy Hours‘, which allows you to create a website similar to Poggled.com

Poggled.com is a deal site specifically for bars and restaurants where they can create their own deals for different days of the week with the ability to restrict the deal time to specified hours, e.g. Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 5 PM – 7 PM. To know more about the product, please click here – Poggled Clone

We are also in process of developing another product, code named – ‘ReCoup‘. ReCoup is a clone of popular website Lifesta.com which will allow you to create a website where people can resell their deal coupons (purchased from Groupon, LivingSocial or any other deal website) and other can buy it. If you are interested in this product, then please visit the link and leave you contact details so we can get in touch with you as soon as the product is available for commercial launch – Lifesta Clone


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